The ANGELES GROUP of San Louis is a
manufacturer of childrens' furniture and other
items for the day care/preschool environment.
They commissioned NDA to provide designs
for their line of products.
Although I managed the project and did the CAD
work, several people contributed to the designs.
This unusual trike was done by Jim McJunkin.
He also designed the chair. Diane Allen and
Brenda Parkin were also major contributors to
the project.
A pedal boat with a tunnel hull, much faster
than a kayak.
The built-in dolly
allows one man to
launch the boat.
This is a "Living Structure" that I built in my home in Michigan. It is a complete room of furniture in three units and hangs from the ceiling. (based on the ideas of Ken Isaccs)
A putter designed for Taylor Made Golf. It is
configured to maximize the polar moment of
inertia - to provide more forgiving dynamics.
Some tables designed and made for my
living room, constructed of Douglas Fir
and tempered glass.
General Atomic wanted a design for a
MAG-LEV people-mover concept, to be created
at a college in Pennsylvania. Doug Wilson's
design is on the left, mine on the right. I did the
CAD on both.
A table recently designed for my wife's art studio, A steel top and legs work with a drawer unit from IKEA.
RDI was a computer maker that became part of ACER. This was a fun albeit quick project.
A syringe pump for IVAC. Please
forgive the beat up sketches.
Computer speakers for Definitive Audio. The
little satellite design on the left was Bruce
Campbell's. The subwoofers are mine.
This proposal was heavily based on the idea
of the GRAFITTI like GRAPHICS, which
would be drawn from local events and motifs.
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by clicking it.
All content on this website was generated by Allan L. Flowers and is subject to usage restrictions. It is provided here for educational and informational use only. Limited use of some materials, with proper attribution, etc, may be possible. Contact: